Apples to Apples

The Family Party Game Even Granny Apples Can Play

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Add the game Apples to Apples to your collection!


Be the first player to earn all of your green apple cards

Number of Players

4 - 10 Players

Time to Play

30 minutes

Rapid Rules

General Play

  1. Choose a player to be the first judge
  2. The judge deals seven red apple cards face down to each player
  3. The judge picks a green apple card and reads it out loud.
  4. Other players choose a red apple card from their hand that is described by the green apple card and place it face down on the table
  5. The judge shuffles the cards then reads them out loud and chooses their favorite one
  6. The player who had their card picked by the judge is awarded the green apple card
  7. The player to the left of the judge is now the new judge and deals enough red apple cards so each player is back up to 7 red apple cards total
  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 until a player gets all the green apple cards they need to win the game

Winning and Losing